With grateful recognition, the International Academy of Science honors
Dr. T. Nejat Veziroğlu
Distinguished Fellow
Dr. Veziroglu, a native of Turkey, graduated from the City and Guilds College, the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, with degrees in Mechanical Engineering (A.C.G.I., B.Sc.), Advanced Studies in Engineering (D.I.C.) and Heat Transfer (Ph.D.).
After serving in some Turkish government agencies as a Technical Consultant and Deputy Director of Steel Silos, and then heading a private company, in 1962 he joined the University of Miami Engineering Faculty, and served as the Director of Graduate Studies, Mechanical Engineering (initiating the first Ph.D. Program in the College of Engineering), Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the Associate Dean for Research. During May 2004 – May 2006, Dr. Veziroglu established the United Nation Industrial Development Organization International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies – as its Founding Director – in Istanbul, Turkey. Presently, he is retired from the University of Miami and the International Association for Hydrogen Energy.
Dr. Veziroglu teaches Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Nuclear Engineering, Solar Energy and Hydrogen Energy. His research interests are instabilities in Boiling Water Reactors, Interstitial Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy Sources and Hydrogen Energy System. He has published some 350 scientific reports and papers, edited 200 volumes of proceedings, and is the EditorinChief of the monthly scientific journals International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. He has been an invited lecturer and/or consultant on energy research and education to many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Venezuela, and to several universities and research organizations in the United States.
Dr. Veziroglu organized the first major conference on Hydrogen Energy: The Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy (THEME) Conference, Miami Beach, March 1974, and proposed the Hydrogen Energy System. Subsequently, he organized several conferences and symposia on Alternative Energy Sources, Environment, Hydrogen Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, and Remote Sensing.
Dr. Veziroglu has membership in some twenty scientific organizations, has been elected to the Grade of Fellow in the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is the Founding President of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy.
Dr. Veziroglu has been the recipient of several international awards, including Turkish Presidential Science Award, 1975, Honorary Professorship, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, 1981, I. V. Kurchatov Medal, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Moscow, U.S.S.R, 1982, Energy for Mankind Award, 1986, Twenty-Five Years’ Service Award, American Nuclear Society, 1987, Turkish Superior Service to Mankind Award, 1991, Honorary Doctorate, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 1998, Honorary Member, Argentinean Academy of Sciences, 2000, and Honorary Doctorate, Donetsk State Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine, 2001. In 2000, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics for both envisioning the Hydrogen Economy, and striving towards its realization.