What if students forget their passwords?

If a student forgets his password, the teacher can easily find it by following these steps:

  1. Open the Acellus App and sign into the Acellus Teacher Interface using your GoldKey.
  2. Go to Students and search for the student by last name using the alphabet menu or by typing the student’s name in the search field.
  3. Select the student’s name in the search results.
  4. Select “Profile”
  5. You will see the student’s password, along with their user ID, listed on this page.
  6. If you wish to print a new Sign-In card for the student, do the following:
    1. Select Students.
    2. Select Print Sign-In Cards.
    3. Select the appropriate class.
    4. Select the students you want to print a Sign-In Card for.
    5. Select Print Sign-In Cards